This is the Jay M. Garnett and Nancy J. Garnett Rev. Trust website.

Jay is the son of William A. Garnett (1916-2006), who was the world famous aerial photographer.

Our purpose is to renew  interest in William Garnett's beautiful aerial photographs.  We wish to make them available for showings in museums, and selling them to collectors, museums, and the public.

William Garnett was the first person to use aerial photography as an art form.  His gift to all of us was his ability to see beauty and capture his unique prospective for all of us to enjoy.  Once you have viewed his works, you will view the world differently especially the next time you fly.

---------------------  Copyright Note ----------------------------------

All images for sale on this website are the property of the Jay M. Garnett and Nancy J. Garnett Revocable Trust.

All images under copyright by heirs of William A.Garnett
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Garnett Photographs
This page was last updated: August 17, 2011
This page was last updated: August 17, 2011